Sacred Space Within Us All
In your sacred space within, you will find deep peace, even when there is some mind chatter. You become an observer of this chatter, resting in a place that feels like home. Going into this place regularly, makes it easier to go in again. It's like finding a new pathway to a cave in the forest, each time you go through the forest you wear a path through the trees. The next time you go in it's a bit easier to find the pathway.
Sanity is our birth right and yet we live in insane times. Akin to being in a warzone, our sanity suffers from trauma, speed, mental over stimulation and social isolation. The last few years have seen intense attacks on human mental health due to the pandemic experience and the measures used to confine it. Now more than ever, everyone needs to find the place in themselves where peace reigns. It is only from a place of personal sanity that we have power over our present. Depression is misery, peace of mind is sanity. From sanity it is possible to have joy, love and meaning in our lives.
Meditation, tai chi, yoga, reiki, whatever suits you can become your path.
I invite you to begin a path within, to your own sacred space within.