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Depressed and Stressed at Christmas

It is unfortunately true that Christmas can really bring us down. With the images of happy families celebrating together and our own expectations that are based on our desires, it can really hit home that our life does not match with these ideals. Christmas also often brings up unresolved family conflicts and rivalry. So on the one hand we want to get together and on the other we don't want to be all together in one space! Is there an answer?

Perhaps the best answer is to be accepting of ourselves as we are. To give ourselves some love for being the unique human and spiritual beings that we are. Without having the perfect lifestyle and family that we may wish for. Even some approving of our own efforts to make a good life for ourselves, though I lives may never match the ideals we see in the media or that we aspire to.

From here we may even move on to accepting the family and friends we have. Giving them some love for being unique human and spiritual beings and some approving of their efforts to make a good life for themselves.

All this adds up to being a bit kind and loving towards ourselves and others. Oops, isn't this the real ideal of Christmas?

Perhaps we can be less judgmental of ourselves and others, enjoy the smallest pleasures and share some love and kindness. We're all doing our best to be happy and some have come forward from dark places. If we only knew their story we would give them medals for their courage.

Life does not go backwards it moves forwards in great circles always spiraling upwards.

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